David Farrah is Emeritus Professor of English at Kobe City University of Foreign Studies, where he taught for nearly thirty years.
David has given poetry readings and presentations in Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, and the United States. He is a native of northeastern Ohio and holds a B.A. and Ph.D. from Ohio University, and an M.A. from the University of Florida.
His poems and essays have appeared in various periodicals, including Asiatic, Denver Quarterly, Kyoto Journal, The Ohio Review, Poetry Ireland Review, and Seneca Review. His books include: Intimately Entangled: Essays and Poems, The Poems of Nunobiki Falls (translations), Borrowed Landscapes (poems), Parity’s Ground (poems), and Small Sounds in the Brush (poems and short tales).
While Intimately Entangled is still in print, other books are not. (Digitization remains a work in progress.) Nevertheless, all titles are still available and may be ordered directly from the author.